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Topic #10 -
Energy, Part 3: Nuclear Energy
Geol 357: Urban Geology
I. The Energy Of
Atomic Fission | II.
Problems Of Uranium Mining
| III. Problems At The Reactor Site
| IV. The Disposal Of Nuclear Waste
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I. The Energy Of Atomic Fission
- A. Definitions
- 1. Proton - a positively charged subatomic particle
- 2. Neutron - a negatively charged subatomic particle
- 3. Isotope - atom that exhibits variation in its mass
- 4. Mass number - sum of the neutrons plus the protons
in an atom
- 5. Atomic number - # of protons found in the nucleus
- 6. Atomic weight - average of the atomic masses of
all the element's isotopes
- 7. Fission - the act or process of splitting into
- a. A nuclear reaction in which an atomic nucleus,
especially a heavy nucleus such as an isotope of
uranium, splits into fragments, usually two fragments
of comparable mass, releasing from 100 million to
several hundred million electron volts of energy.
- 8. Fusion - a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine
to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release
of energy
- B. Fuels for Nuclear Reactors
- 1. Natural fuels
- a. U235 is the only natural isotope
of any element that is spontaneously fissionable
- 1) 92U238 - 99.283%
of all U
- 2) 92U235 - 0.711%
- 3) 92U234 - 0.006%
- b. U235 is the initial fuel for all
fission reactors
- c. 1 gram of U235 equals 2.7 metric
tons coal or 13.7 bbls oil
- 2. Man made fuels
- a. U238 and Th232, fertile
materials, can be made to combine with a neutron to
make a useful fuel
- 92U238 + neutron --> 94Pu239
- 90Th232 + neutron --> 92U233
- C. The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- 1. U235 must be enriched from 0.711% to
- a. This is done with UF6 gas
- 2. After enrichment the U is made into UO2
ceramic pellets
- a. These pellets become fuel rods which last 3
- 1) They are then stored in water at the reactor
- D. Types of Reactors
- 1. The Light Water Reactor LWR
- a. This is a burner type reactor which simply
consumes U235 and produces neutrons,
heat, and waste
- 1) This type reactor is ultimately limited
by the U235 supply
- b. Reactor ultimately produces steam to drive
the turbine
- c. A typical LWR has 100 tons of enriched U fuel
- 40,000 rods
- 1) Reactor is opened once a year and one third
of the fuel is replaced
- 2) 3 tons of fuel disappear each year
- a) 150 grams Pu appears
- b) rest is fission fragment waste
- c) 2.2 pounds of mass is converted to
- d. Control rods are neutron absorbing B or Cd
- 2. Breeder Reactors
- a. These reactors convert U238 and
Th232 into fuel
- 1) These reactors make more fuel than they
- b. France, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany
and the USSR are developing breeders
- 1) The French have the Phoenix 250 MW and
the Super Phoenix 1200 MW
- c. The United States started research in 1948
on the LMFBR
- 1) Billions have been spent with no results
- 2) Clinch River project was abandoned in 1983
- d. Low U costs will probably delay breeders in
the U.S. until after 2000
I. The Energy
Of Atomic Fission | II.
Problems Of Uranium Mining
| III. Problems At The Reactor Site
| IV. The Disposal Of Nuclear Waste
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II. Problems Of Uranium Mining
- A. Lung Cancer among the Miners
- 1. NRC and the U.S. Public Health Service found a
higher incidence of lung cancer among miners
- a. caused by radon gas, a product of Uranium
- B. Waste from Uranium Milling
- 1. 865 gallons of toxic chemical waste form per ton
of ore treated
- 2. This waste was discharged into rivers or seeped
into the Earth in the 1960's
- a. Durango, CO water has 3X the maximum permitted
- C. The Problem of Tailings
- 1. 100 million tons of radioactive sand exists at
30 mills in the western U.S.
- a. blown by wind, leached by water, used by man
- 2. 5000 homes in Grand Junction, CO were built with
this sand
- a. occupants get equivalent of 553 chest X-ray
per year
- b. radon accumulates and causes lung cancer
- 3. Tailings have washed into Lake Powell and Lake
- a. They have twice the radon they should have
I. The Energy
Of Atomic Fission | II.
Problems Of Uranium Mining
| III. Problems At The Reactor Site
| IV. The Disposal Of Nuclear Waste
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III. Problems At The Reactor Site
- A. Geological Problems
- 1. Extremely extensive geological investigations are
- a. Reactors still end up too close to fault zones
- 1) Diablo Canyon - PG&E
- 2) Bodega Bay
- B. Human and Mechanical Error
- 1. Three Mile Island - March 28, 1979
- a. The feed water pump to the reactor core was
accidentally closed
- 1) rods immediately went in and the reactor
partly stopped
- b. Human error resulted in the emergency cooling
system being shut off for 2 hours
- 1) Core overheated to 1500ºC
- c. one billion dollars damage
- 2. Chernobyl - April 26, 1986
- a. Human errors resulted in a explosion and radiation
- b. 100,000 people may be contaminated
I. The Energy
Of Atomic Fission | II.
Problems Of Uranium Mining
| III. Problems At The Reactor Site
| IV. The Disposal Of Nuclear Waste
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IV. The Disposal Of Nuclear Waste
- A. What the Waste Products are
- 1. Fission products
- a. Over 30 elements form
- 1) most have half lives of <100 years
- 2) emit beta and gamma radiation
- b. Some are water soluble and biologically active
- 2. Transuranium products
- a. heavier than U and form by neutron capture
- b. have half lives >1000 years
- c. act as heavy metal poisons
- 3. Waste must be stored for 250,000 years
- B. How Much Spent Nuclear Fuel is there in the U.S.A.
- 1. Remember that there is also military and medical
- 2. By the year 2000 there will be 40,000 metric tons
stored at 70 locations
- a. By 2035 the total will be 85,000 metric tons
- 3. The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 selected Yucca
Mountain, NV as the only depository site in the U.S.
- C. Criteria for a Storage Method
- 1. isolation from the biosphere for 250,000 years
- 2. sabotage and accident free for 250,000 years
- 3. safe from natural disasters for 250,000 years
- 4. must not involve large land areas or resources
- 5. must be resistant to erosion, Earthquakes, and
- 6. handling and transport must be fail safe
- 7. economically and technically possible
- D. Possible Storage Methods
- 1. Rocket transport of the waste
- 2. Continue present tank storage indefinitely
- a. leakage of dangerous waste has already occurred
- 3. Placement in deep chambers of granite
- a. waste would boil, dehydrate, melt the surrounding
rock and seal itself
- b. leakage along fractures is possible
- 4. Injection in Deep Wells
- a. Waste would be mixed with cement or injected
directly under high pressure into impermeable layers
- b. Many dangers
- 1) high pressure injection is dangerous
- 2) high temperature could drive the waste out
into other layers
- 3) could lubricate faults
- 5. Deposition in Trenches
- a. technically difficult to assure no leaks
- 6. Deposition under polar ice caps
- a. Waste containers melt to the bottom of the glacier
and remain stationary
- b. Violates international treaties
- 7. Salt Mine Waste Storage
- a. salt indicates a dry environment
- b. salt flows and seals fractures
- c. salt dissipates heat
- 8. Element Transmutation
- a. Eventually gamma ray lasers will convert dangerous
elements into safe ones
- E. What is to be done?
- 1. Find a public repository for nuclear waste
- a. Because of public fear this is probably a doomed
and costly effort
- 2. Reprocess spent fuel to reduce the volume of waste
- a. This raises more fear because Pu may be diverted
to nuclear weapons
- b. A permanent repository will still be needed
- 3. Continue on-site, dry-tank storage
- a. This is the only reasonable political solution
- b. This can be done for a 100 years and will allow
time for:
- 1) improved technology
- 2) decline of public fear
I. The Energy
Of Atomic Fission | II.
Problems Of Uranium Mining
| III. Problems At The Reactor Site
| IV. The Disposal Of Nuclear Waste
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