Mountain Building
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| Faults
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- Deformation is a general term that refers to all changes
in the original form and/or size of a rock body
- Stress The Cause of Deformation
- Geologic forces at work: Plate tectonics
- Stress = force/area
- Types of stress:
- Compressional
- Tensional
- Shear
- Components of deformation:
- Relocation
- Tilting
- Changing shape
- Faulting
- Folding
- Strain
- Change in shape due to deformation
- Types
- Stretching
- Shortening
- Shear
- Most crustal deformation occurs along plate margins
- Types of deformation
- Factors that influence the strength of a rock
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Rock type (composition)
- Rate of deformation
- Time
| Folds
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- Folds = Rocks bent into a series of waves
- Most folds result from compressional forces which shorten
and thicken the crust
- Types of folds
- Anticline upfolded, or arched, rock layers
- Syncline downfolded rock layers
- Anticlines and synclines can be
- Symmetrical - limbs are mirror images
- Asymmetrical - limbs are not mirror images
- Overturned - one limb is tilted beyond the vertical
- Where folds die out they are said to be plunging
- Plunging folds
- Other types of folds
- Dome
- Circular, or slightly elongated
- Upwarped displacement of rocks
- Oldest rocks in core
- Basin
- Circular, or slightly elongated
- Downwarped displacement of rocks
- Youngest rocks in core
- The Black Hills of South Dakota are a large dome
- The bedrock geology of the Michigan Basin
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- Faults
- Faults are fractures (breaks) in rocks along which appreciable
displacement has taken place
- Types of faults
- Dip-slip fault
- Movement along the inclination (dip) of fault
- Parts of a dip-slip fault
- Hanging wall the rock above the fault
- Footwall the rock below the fault surface
- Concept of hanging wall and footwall along a fault
- Types of dip-slip faults
- Normal fault
- Hanging wall block moves down
- Associated with fault-block mountains
- Prevalent at spreading centers
- Caused by tensional forces
- Fault block mountains produced by normal
- Reverse and thrust faults
- Hanging wall block moves up
- Caused by strong compressional stresses
- Reverse fault - dips greater than 45º
- Thrust fault - dips less than 45º
- Strike-slip faults
- Dominant displacement is horizontal and parallel
to the trend, or strike
- Transform fault
- Large strike-slip fault that cuts through the lithosphere
- Often associated with plate boundaries
- Joints
- Fractures along which no appreciable displacement
has occurred
- Most are formed when rocks in the outer-most crust
are deformed
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Mountain belts
- Orogenesis refers to processes that collectively produce
a mountain belt
- Three mechanisms for mountain building
- Ocean-Ocean and Ocean-Continental Convergence
- Continental-Continental Convergence
- Continental Accretion
- Ocean-Ocean and Ocean-Continental Convergence
- Aleutian-type mountain building
- Where two oceanic plates converge and one is subducted
beneath the other
- Volcanic island arcs forms
- Found in shrinking ocean basins, such as the Pacific
- e.g. Mariana, Tonga, Aleutian, and Japan arcs
Formation of a volcanic island arc
- Andean-type mountain building
- Oceanic-continental crust convergence
- e.g. Andes Mountains
- Types related to the overriding plate
- Passive margins
- Prior to the formation of a subduction
- e.g. East Coast of North America
- Active continental margins
- Subduction zone forms
- Deformation process begins
- Continental volcanic arc forms
- Accretionary wedge forms
- Examples of inactive Andean-type orogenic
belts include Sierra Nevada Range and California's
Coast Ranges
- Orogenesis along an Andean-type subduction
- Continental collisions
- Where two plates with continental crust converge
- e.g., India and Eurasian plate collision
- Himalayan Mountains and the Tibetan Plateau
- Plate relationships prior to the collision of India
with Eurasia
- Position of India in relation to Eurasia at various
- Formation of the Himalayas
- Continental accretion
- Third mechanism of mountain building
- Small crustal fragments collide with and accrete to
continental margins
- Accreted crustal blocks are called terranes
- Occurred along the Pacific Coast
- Distribution of modern day oceanic plateaus and other
submerged crustal fragments
- Accreted terranes along the western margin of North
- Buoyancy and the principle of isostasy
- Evidence for crustal uplift includes wave-cut platforms
high above sea level
- Reasons for crustal uplift
- Isostasy
- Concept of a floating crust in gravitational balance
- When weight is removed from the crust, crustal
uplifting occurs (isostatic adjustment)
- The principle of isostasyErosion and resulting
isostatic adjustment of the crust
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