Station 1: Reservation Point

Text file of data

Date: 10/21/17, 8:21 AM
Conditions: 64° F, sunny, wind NW 1 mph
Latitude: 33° 43' 3" N
Longitude: 118° 15' 48" W

Bottom depth (m): 16
Forel Ule Color: V
Secchi Disk (m): 4.25

Electrical Salinity 0/00
Dissolved O2
Acidity (pH)
Temp ºC
1.00 33.20 7.71 7.23 18.75
3.00 33.22 7.62 7.44 18.75
5.00 33.23 7.54 7.57 18.75
7.00 33.25 7.52 7.65 18.74
9.00 33.25 7.53 7.70 18.74
11.00 33.26 7.50 7.73 18.71
13.00 33.26 7.52 7.77 18.64
15.00 33.27 7.52 7.80 18.48

Sediment Desc: Brown-grey clayey mud .
Flora & Fauna: worm tube, polychaete worm, blood worm, pistol shrimp, red gorgonian (baby)
% lithogenous: 100%
% biogeneous: 0%
Consolidated? partially
Oxidized? Yes

Station 2: San Pedro Canyon

Date: 10/21/17 - Station not done
Conditions: 64° F, sunny, wind NW 1 mph

Bottom depth (m):
Forel Ule Color:
Secchi Disk (m):
Electrical Salinity 0/00
Dissolved O2 ml/l
Acidity (pH)
Temp ºC

Sediment Description: None collected at this site
% lithogenous: n/a
% biogeneous: n/a
Consolidated? n/a
Oxidized? n/a

Station 3: Relict Beach

Text file of data

Date: 10/21/17, 10:22 AM
Conditions: 68°F, sunny, winds NW 4 mph
Latitude: 33° 40' 46" N
Longitude: 118° 12" 39" W

Bottom depth (m): 24
Forel Ule Color: II
Secchi Disk (m): 10.5

Electrical Salinity 0/00
Dissolved O2 ml/l
Acidity (pH)
Temp ºC
1 33.42 8.09 7.98 18.58
3 33.42 7.98 8.01 18.56
5 33.41 7.94 8.02 18.46
7 33.38 8.00 8.03 17.84
9 33.38 7.94 8.03 17.77
11 33.38 7.95 8.04 17.60
13 33.36 7.98 8.04 17.48
15 33.33 7.97 8.04 16.60
17 33.33 7.99 8.04 16.10
19 33.31 7.87 8.03 15.52
21 33.31 7.77 8.02 15.16
23 33.31 7.60 8.08 15.05

Sediment Desc: Orange-brown medium sand
Flora & Fauna: Heart urchin, sand dollars (3), sea cucumber (?)
% lithogenous: 99.5%
% biogeneous: 0.5%
Consolidated? No
Oxidized? Yes

red sand from Relict Beach

Station 4: Los Angeles River Mouth

Text file of data

Date: 10/21/17, 10:42 AM
Conditions: 71°, sunny, SSE 2 mph
Latitude: 33° 44' 40" N
Longitude: 118° 10" 59" W

Bottom depth (m): 14
Forel Ule Color: IV
Secchi Disk (m): 2.75

Electrical Salinity 0/00
Dissolved O2 ml/l
Acidity (pH)
Temp ºC
1 32.30 9.09 8.00 19.86
3 33.16 9.23 8.05 19.95
5 33.26 9.34 8.08 19.96
7 33.34 8.85 8.09 19.77
9 33.35 8.43 8.09 19.55
11 33.42 7.72 8.07 18.95
13 33.40 6.78 8.05 18.85

Sediment Desc: none collected
Flora & Fauna: n/a
% lithogenous: n/a
% biogeneous: n/a
Consolidated? n/a
Oxidized? n/a