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Metamorphic Rocks Lesson


Metamorphic Rocks

Non-Foliated Rocks


Texture:   Medium to coarse grained
Degree of Metamorphism:   Low
Protolith:   Mafic or ultramafic igneous rocks
Minerals present:   Amphibole, biotite, feldspar, talc
Comments:    - abundant chunky amphiboles


Texture:   Fine grained
Degree of Metamorphism:   Low to high
Protolith:   Any rock type
Minerals present:   None visible, but silicates
Comments:    - Gray, green, black
 - Looks like a basalt, but “rings”


Texture:   Fine to coarse grained
Degree of Metamorphism:   Low to high
Protolith:   Limestone or dolostone
Minerals present:   Calcite or dolomite
Comments:   - Coarse, crystalline
- Usually white to grey, but can also be pink, green, etc.
- May have veins or fossils (low grade only)


Texture:   Fine to coarse grained
Degree of Metamorphism:   Low to high
Protolith:   Sandstones
Minerals present:   Quartz
Comments:   - Looks like a quartz sandstone, but grains are fused together
- Usually white
- Fused quartz grains means that a crack will propagate straight through the grains as they all have the same amount of strength; in a sandstone, the crack will go around the grains as the grains are stronger than the matrix.




copyright Sonjia Leyva 2018