(click image for larger view)
Sample collected on Saturday, October 24, 2020. Yellow grid is for scale. The sediment is comprised of subangular to angular rock fragments (dark to tan), shell fragments (white to cream), sea urchin spines (purple), and minor amounts of quartz (clear grains), plagioclase (white), orthoclase (pinkish-tan), and hornblende (black grains).
The amount of broken shells and sea urchin spines vary considerably, ranging from 5 - 50%. Thus, sometimes the sediment can be classified as lithogenous (<30% biologic material) to biogenous/biogenic (>30% biologic material)
The grains in this sample range in size from 1 mm (very coarse sand) to 40 mm (medium pebble), but the average size is closer to 4 mm.